A New DM’s Experience With A Campaign Pitch

Making Something You Want to Run

A campaign pitch is important. Every Campaign you run in D&D will last anywhere from a few sessions to years. For you, it will become a second life, whether it be a pre-built campaign or a home-brew one. A good campaign pitch can properly set expectations, and a bad one can set the wrong expectations. This is a brief look at the experience I have had with them, mixed with some dos and don’ts.

Making a Campaign Pitch

This can be Verbal or Written, I’ve found my group works better with verbal. Many of them would rather hear what I want to do than read it. But if you do need to write it down consider using this format. It clear concise, and when used correctly can show a group of random people what to expect. A campaign pitch sheet does not replace a session zero. The pitch sheet can have multiple ideas on it, but the exact amount is up to you. You also can just give the players one option. Both work, and choose which one you think works best.

I’ve found my group just trusts me to make something good. Most of my campaign pitches end up with the players choosing the first thing I mentioned. So keep this in mind, and wear the best idea you have on your sleeve.

Choosing A World

You can either make or choose a world. I always make them, but you can use the official D&D 5e world without a problem, or any other really. The world just needs to be something you are comfortable with using for the next year or years. If you think it has potential use, if not then don’t. It’s really that simple.

Session Zero

The second half of a campaign pitch is a session zero. Once a campaign is chosen, session zero’s give a good idea of the rules and setting of the campaign. If it’s a new group, let them know any of your home rules. If this group is your normal one make sure they know of any changes. Most session zero’s end up being an hour or two of character making, or just backstory building depending on the person, and then an hour or two of playing D&D. Of course, the exact numbers will vary from group to group.

Most Importantly, Have Fun

Creating a perfect campaign pitch, or just a great session zero is amazing! But make sure you enjoy it! Groups and even people can vary, but don’t let anyone tell you how to have fun. The best part of this game is everyone experiences something unique and different, so let this be a guideline for you. So go out there, and run a D&D campaign!

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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